Namirembe Aisha
Namirembe Aisha from Uganda works as Network Coordinator - CBR Africa Network (CAN). She has over 6 years working experience in disability related work as a programme staff with East Africa Centre for disability Law and Policy

Nabil Ezzat Halim
Nabil Ezzat Halim Khalil from Egypt is a member of the Executive Committee of CAN. He is also a Community Based Rehabilitation Programs Supervisor with Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services (CEOSS) in Egypt.

Ojugo Ann Obehi
Ojugo Ann Obehi from Nigeria is a member of the CAN’s Executive Committee. She holds a B.Sc in Public Administration, a Diploma in Political Science and a certificate in Early Intervention and Nutrition for Children (CBM)

Pascal Ahidjo
Pascal Ahidjo is the Secretary CAN. He is from Cameroon. Ahidjo is the Program Manager of the Comprehensive CBR of North Cameroon (called PIAP) within CODAS Caritas Garoua (the development agency of Archdiocese of Garoua)

Carolyne Sserunkuma Maholo
Carolyne Sserunkuma Maholo from Uganda is CAN’s Treasurer. She is a Lecturer, Kyambogo University in the Department of Community and Disability Studies, Faculty of Special Needs and Rehabilitation.

Adjayi Dibassiwena Therese
Therese has Master’s degree at the University of Dakar (Senegal) as Social worker with a speciality in disability. She was working in disability and development sector for past 18 years including 16 years on children with disabilities projects.