Our Core functions
As an organisation promoting information sharing across the continent, our programmes are categorised into themes such as CBR Africa Conferences, Writing workshops, Publication, Website and the media (including both traditional and new media).

CBR Global Network (CGN) along with CBR regional Networks have organized 5 regional dialogues. Stakeholders in disability, rehabilitation and inclusive development are invited to participate in the dialogue. They are encouraged to attend all the 5 dialogues. However, they may choose the dialogue they are most interested in. VIST THIS LINK FOR REGISTRATION AND MORE […]

CAN has alot of Publications/Books which have been publish by various members. FIND ALL THE PUBLICATION / BOOKS

The 7th Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) /Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID) Africa
The 7th Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) /Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID) Africa Conference is organized by CBR Africa Network (CAN) and hosted by the Government of Uganda spearheaded by the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD). This three-day CBR/CBID Africa conference will provide a platform for various stakeholders to come together, exchange ideas […]