The Eighth Annual Disability Summit and Careers Expo

The Eighth Annual Disability Summit and Careers Expo

The Eighth Annual Disability Summit and Careers Expo

The Eighth Annual Disability Summit and Careers Expo will take place at Nasrec on 11 & 12 April 2019
It is well known that while most organisations have excelled in meeting BEE employment targets, many are still unhappy about their progress in employing persons with disabilities. HR departments are conscious that they are missing out on an important element of the labour market.

The Disability Careers Expo, introduced in 2012, addresses this need.
A joint venture by Hope School, Mandeville Disability Swimming and the SABC, the annual event’s focus is to help launch youth with disabilities into careers [jobs, learnerships or bursaries] and in so doing to deliver a service to employers’ HR departments.

The Expo bridges the gap between disabled school leavers and employers. Learners are encouraged to explore the different opportunities that are available to them within their respective physical and functional constraints.
Following the success of the Expos since inception in 2012, this important event has become a permanent fixture on the calendars of LSEN [Learners with Special Education Needs] schools in Gauteng that offer education to the level of Matriculation. Around five hundred learners attend annually, representing all disability types: mobility issues, learning challenges, hearing impairment and vision impairment.

The Expo extended to include young, unemployed persons with disabilities who matriculated during the past few years, as well as, recent graduates and University students about to graduate.
Celebrities and guest speakers will be in attendance to motivate and encourage both learners and career providers.
As a deliverable to exhibitors, CVs from learners about to matriculate are made available. This has resulted in many more placements of matriculants with disabilities.

Section 18A tax certificates in respect of the fee, as well as letters endorsement for BEE purposes are provided to exhibitors on request.

Dates & Times: Thursday 11 and Friday 12 April 2019 from 08:00 to 14:30
Venue: Nasrec, Johannesburg
Contacts: Aarifah Nosarka: / +27 11 467 3341

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