Our Core functions

As an organisation promoting information sharing across the continent, our programmes are categorised into themes such as CBR Africa Conferences, Writing  Skills workshops , Publication, Website and the media (including both traditional and new media).

  • CAN Website and Social Media

CAN maintains a website which offers a library of CBR publications, articles and papers from individuals and organisations in Africa. It also provides links to international disability information resources and gives information about CAN activities. Through Social Media platforms (Facebook and Twitter), CAN engages in discussions and informs and educates members on varied CBR topics.

  • CBR Conferences

CAN organises CBR conferences in Africa to facilitate the development of strong local and international partnership between stakeholders as a platform for information networking. These conferences bring people together from various nations to share experiences and, in the process, create a basis for further talks, meetings and productive interaction for mutual benefit.

  • CBR Writing Skills Workshops

Our workshops target practitioners with CBR experience and promote training of trainers. They seek to facilitate the taking of oral history from community members and encourage documentation of CBR experiences and best practices in Africa.

  • National CBR Network

CAN promotes the formation of CBR associations through identification and linking of existing CBR practitioners. It is envisaged that these associations will form the backbone for future linkages between all the CBR stakeholders across Africa

  • Communication and information sharing on CBR.

Given the power of the media to influence attitudes, CAN believes closely working with the media will help achieve its objectives, more so in influencing policy design, implementation and decision making processes. Media is further critical in information sharing and promoting all initiatives aimed at promoting CBR work in Africa. CAN therefore patterns with the media by building their capacity to effectively report on CBR interventions. This is done through documenting CBR success stories and Commissioning of articles.

How we do it

As part of the Global network, CAN uses several approaches to deliver on her mandate. Our primary goal is sharing appropriate information in order to influence improved lives of PWDs in Africa. This is possible through organising CBR Africa conferences after every four years. Additionally, CAN runs a website and documents vital information on CBR strategy.  CAN further believes in building capacity of her members so as to enhance information sharing.  We also promote Country based  National CBR Forums where CBR initiatives are discussed in respective countries. Our work is basically anchored on Rights based approaches, documentation, capacity building and information sharing.


Appointment to the CBR Africa Network (CAN) International Advisory Board !
Expires In:
This is to encourage and remind those who are passionate  supporters  of CBR/CBID to apply

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