IDDC Consultation on Inclusive Development

IDDC Consultation on Inclusive Development

IDDC Consultation on Inclusive Development

International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC) is launching a consultation to arrive at a common understanding among all stake holders and partners on inclusive development.

The aim of the International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC) is to promote inclusive development internationally, with a special focus on promoting the full and effective enjoyment of human rights by all persons with disabilities living in economically poor communities in low and middle-income countries.

IDDC has realised that while many actors agree with our aim, it is not always clear what we mean by ‘inclusive development’. IDDC is therefore launching this consultation process to bring together collective expertise and experience with the purpose of developing a common understanding of what IDDC, as a network of organisations and individuals, means by ‘inclusive development’. Now is a critical time to provide this clarity, as in addition to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Agenda for Humanity and other global commitments include a commitment to ‘leave no one behind’ in development and humanitarian action. IDDC has a key opportunity to help define what leaving no one behind means in theory and in practice.

This consultation is an opportunity for IDDC members and their partners and individuals working in the disability and development sector to reflect on their understanding of ‘inclusive development’. We would also like to encourage individuals working in the wider disability, international development and humanitarian action sectors to share your input, reflections and experiences by participating in this consultation.

Based on the results of the consultation, IDDC will develop a narrative which presents a common position and understanding of inclusive development for the network. An open question format is designed to provide input on a wide range of questions such as: What is development for us? Why does it need to go hand in hand with inclusion? What are the common threads and principles?

We hope that this narrative can strengthen the work of IDDC and its members, provide inspiration for the wider development community, and stimulate partnerships across stakeholders committed to the full and effective inclusion of all, including persons with disabilities.

The narrative will also be an opportunity for IDDC to reflect on and reassess our values, beliefs and principles, and be a useful foundation for discussions on our new strategic framework beyond 2017.

Please share widely, and encourage your colleagues to also participate in the consultation.
The deadline is Thursday 15 December 2016. Please be concise when responding to the questions and limit your responses to a maximum of 500 words.
Input should come from your own individual perspective rather than an organizational perspective. However, before participating individually in the consultation, we would encourage you to use this as an opportunity to have a discussion and reflect upon inclusive development within your own teams and organizations.
Follow this link and be a part of the consultation on inclusive development…

In case of any questions, please send an email to

Thanks in advance for your contribution.
Priscille Geiser
Chair of IDDC

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