Health equity and its determinants

Health equity and its determinants

Health equity and its determinants

This is the second World Health Day to fall during the COVID-19 pandemic – the world’s worst peacetime health crisis
in a century. It comes amidst gruelling and painful times for the world’s people who are dealing with the impacts of the
pandemic, including those working in the health sector.
As of 1 April 2021, over 2.8 million people had died from the COVID-19 virus, and more than 130 million people had contracted it – many of whom now live with long-term health impacts. At the same time, the wider health consequences
of the pandemic have left untold millions bearing the costs in terms of their emotional, social, and economic well-being. Loss of employment and income has exacerbated food insecurity; health services have been partially or completely
disrupted across the world; and there have been adverse impacts on mental and physical health.


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