Funding Opportunities from Development Partners

Organisation NameThematic AreasCountriesDeadlineWebsite Url
Australian GovernmentIndividuals, government agencies and non- government organisations.Apr/30/2024Click Here
Abilis FoundationOrganizations that include Persons with Disabilities…OpenClick Here
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP),open to Albanian non-for-profit organizationsFeb/21/2024Click Here
Disability Rights Fundproposing a project that explicitly promotes the CRPD and specifies the relevant Article(sBi-annual Click Here
Disability services grant 2024-2025Click Here
World Hearing Forum, WHO, and CGHHClick Here
Mastercard Foundation Scholar’s ProgramINTERNATIONAL AND ETHIOPIAN SCHOLARSHIP FOR GRADUATE PROGRAMS (NOW OPEN).FOR INTERNATIONAL International Graduate Scholarship Announcement from the Mastercard Foundation Scholars program at UoG. Eritrea, South Sudan, Somalia and Djibouti.openClick Here
United Nations Voluntary Fund on DisabilityOPEN1 April and 1 JuneClick Here
UNHCRUNHCR Innovation Service announces Digital Access and Inclusion of People with Disabilities ChallengeOpenOngoingClick Here
FIRAHApplied disability research follows certain rules inherent to all scientific processes (ethical, methodology, rigour, evaluation). It is based on the needs and expectations of people with disabilities and their families, with a view to creating responses which are adapted to the realities of their everyday lives. It should thus be conducted in collaboration with people with disabilities and their families, carers, professionals and researchers.OpenOpenClick Here
The Global Resilience Fund for Girls and Young WomenThe Global Resilience Fund supports girl, young women and gender non conforming, trans and intersex activists at this watershed moment, with fully flexible rapid response grants of up to $5,000. Applications for the fund are now open!OpenOpenClick Here
Abilis fundsAbilis Foundation can fund • Training, material production and dissemination on Human Rights of persons with disabilities • Translation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities into local languages, material production and dissemination and training on the Convention and related issues • Basic education and vocational training • Employment and income generation activities • Independent living and participation • Organizational work, capacity building of organizations • Projects supporting children, girls and women with disabilities OpenOpenClick Here
Common Wealth Youth CouncilThe CYC facilitates and supports the work of all youth- led initiatives. We partner with suitable stakeholders, organisations and individuals to represent and empower young people in the Commonwealth. We endeavour to share skills, ideas, resources and services with our approved members in order to provide young people with the opportunity to make a difference to their communities and society.Botswana, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sierra Leone,South Africa, Swaziland,Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia.OpenClick Here


Appointment to the CBR Africa Network (CAN) International Advisory Board !
Expires In:
This is to encourage and remind those who are passionate  supporters  of CBR/CBID to apply

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