CAN registers 67% growth in membership

CAN registers 67% growth in membership

CAN registers 67% growth in membership

CBR Africa Network (CAN) has registered a steady growth in her membership. According to the recent statistics, the number of new members joining the organisation has more than doubled from 600 members in 2017 to 1000 members in 2018, implying a 67% increment.

The percentage growth does not only mean that many implementers of CBR are increasingly gaining interest in the organisations work; it is an opportunity for influencing development processes in Africa to become more disability inclusive.

According to the CAN Executive Director, Dr. Abdul Busuulwa, the rise in membership means that implementers of CBR work, the academia, donor community and persons with disabilities are “increasingly seeing our relevancy in providing the platforms for information sharing and learning with regard to CBR work in Africa and beyond.”

The rise in membership comes at the backdrop of a membership drive launched early this year, which involves sending out mail correspondences targeting potential members, regular updates of CAN’s digital platforms (website, Twitter and Facebook pages), and increased networking in which membership recruitment is especially emphasised. It is hoped that with the 6th CBR Africa Conference upon us, and the 3rd CBR World Congress due in 2020 (and for the first time in Africa), the numbers are expected to shoot even to higher levels.

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Expires In:
This is to encourage and remind those who are passionate  supporters  of CBR/CBID to apply

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