CAN distributes WHO CBR guidelines to DPOs in Uganda:
CBR Africa Network (CAN), through collaboration with the umbrella organization – the National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda (NUDIPU), provided WHO CBR Guidelines training to Disabled People’s Organizations (DPOs) from various districts and communities in Uganda. The one-day workshop held on Tuesday, 25th October, 2016 at Nob View hotel in Ntinda was attended by over 30 DPOs from districts and disability-oriented organizations, including representatives from Kayunga district, Buikwe district, Pader district and Tororo district.
The WHO CBR guidelines awareness workshop was supported by facilitators – Victor Locoro, a lecturer at the department of Community and Disability Studies in Kyambogo University and Dominic Mutabazi, the CAN Executive Director who engaged the participants in a group discussion about the CBR matrix with emphasis on three components of the matrix; Health, Education and Livelihood. Thought provoking presentations were made by the DPOs addressing the components of Health, Education and Livelihood.
Access to service delivery is an important part of life for everybody, and essential for better livelihoods and well-being. “Even when there are strong community programs, often service delivery isn’t readily available and people with disabilities miss out,” NUDIPU Executive Director, Edson Ngirabakunzi emphasized. CBR Africa Network is keen to ensure that DPOs embark on assisting everyone in the community to access service delivery, including people with disabilities, and that everyone in the community is involved in understanding and implementing the CBR guidelines into their projects and daily living.
The workshop marked the launch of two important CBR aspects; the distribution of the WHO CBR guidelines to DPOs and the start of a network amongst DPOs practicing and implementing CBR. The WHO CBR guidelines booklets on the five matrix components (Health, Education, Livelihood, Social and Empowerment) were distributed to participants by NUDIPU Executive Director, CAN Executive Director Dominic Mutabazi and workshop facilitator Victor Locoro. The workshop was characterized by various presentations from the participants reflecting upon the day’s theme- the WHO CBR guidelines.