Call of papers of examples of good practice in inclusion of persons with disabilities for International Advocacy

Call of papers of examples of good practice in inclusion of persons with disabilities for International Advocacy

WHO has formed a working group to influence UN agencies to take responsibility for implementing through ministries of the respective components of the CBR matrix.  e.g: UNESCO and UNICEF taking responsibility of education and children, ILO with livelihood, UNDP with development and so on through respective ministries. This  Working group will begin this task by making a presentation on best practices in CBID to the Inter UN agency on CRPD to meet soon. WHO is coordinating this transition.

We are writing to request you to send us  via email on or before 31st March inclusive practices in communities . Our unconditional apologies for the short notice.     Please see the attached excel sheet as an example of what this mapping exercise is looking for.

Please make sure that your document of evidence of good practice in communities  answers the following questions:

1). How does your organization understand community approaches/initiatives?

2). Could you please provide some examples of the way your organization implements community activities/initiatives?

3). To what extent your organization’s community approaches/activities contribute towards enhancing disability inclusion and participation of persons with disabilities?

It may be helpful for you to consider what you mean by community ( State/ non State), community-based(outreach strategy vs community-driven development), rehabilitation (health related, beyond).

WHO will appreciate your contribution to map out the diversity of CBR/CBID approaches. It is also a great opportunity for you to show case your evidence based good practice to the International community.



Many thanks for your understanding and cooperation

All the best

Await your response.

With good wishes

B.Venkatesh (Venky)

Hon. Pres.CBR Global Network (CGN)

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