Call for papers: Mental health, stigma and Neglected Tropical Diseases supplement

Call for papers: Mental health, stigma and Neglected Tropical Diseases supplement

Call for papers: Mental health, stigma and Neglected Tropical Diseases supplement

We are seeking submissions for a supplement, to be published in International Health, which aims to bring together research on mental health, stigma and Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) to help facilitate translation of learning into practice and policy uptake.

Neglected Tropical Diseases result not only in physical impairment and disabilities, but are associated with substantial comorbidity with mental health conditions frequently driven by social stigma and exclusion. While recognized in clinical practice, research underpinning effective intervention has been lacking, and policy frameworks have historically neglected this area. However, in recent years there has been substantial growth in interest in this intersection, and the importance of integration of mental health in the wider NTD sector has been increasingly recognized.

The WHO Road Map for NTDs 2021-2030 represented a paradigm shift in global normative frameworks that recognized the importance of integrated policy perspectives and addressing holistic needs in national programming. WHO guidance published the same year – Mental health of people with NTDs; towards a person-centred approach – reinforces this focus.

These advances in the field have been informed by an exciting increase in research efforts, and this International Health supplement seeks to bring together this research, to help facilitate translation of learning to practice and policy uptake. The aim of the supplement is to reflect on achievements and challenges to date, to collate current research and learning in mental health, stigma and NTDs, and to outline ambitions for policy engagement to drive further progress in the field.

We are particularly interested in:
1.    Papers that prioritise the views and experiences of people affected by NTDs.
2.    Papers that consider the viewpoints of national programmes and delivery partners in responding to mental health, social stigma and exclusion in partnership with people affected by NTDs
3.    Papers that focus on the application or development of interventions to support the mental wellbeing of people affected by NTDs and or address social stigma and exclusion.
4.    Papers that consider the intersection of mental health, social stigma and exclusion and how these are shaped by broader social and structural drivers.

Authors should follow the Instructions for Authors regarding the manuscript format requested by International Health, as described on the journal website at

Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their manuscript through the Editorial Manager submission website at

All submitted articles are subject to the peer-review process as usual, and only articles that pass peer-review will be accepted for publication. We particularly welcome papers authored by contributors from low-and middle income settings.

Guest Editor: Julian Eaton, CBM Global and LSHTM

Guest Editorial Team members:

  • Ashok Agarwal, NLR India
  • Ugochukwu Aribodor, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria
  • Bahadir Celiktemur, TLM England and Wales
  • Laura Dean, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
  • Danny Haddad, CBM Global
  • Samhita Kumar, The Carter Center
  • Taiwo Obindo, University of Jos
  • Delphine Pedeboy, France
  • Zoica Pereira Bakirtzief, Brazil
  • Jayashree PK, India
  • Maya Semrau, Brighton and Sussex Medical School
  • Paul Tsaku, TLM Nigeria

The deadline for submissions is 30 April 2023, with the expected publication date to be September/October, 2023. Informal enquiries can be sent to the Guest Editor, Julian Eaton (; queries relating to the online submission system should be sent to RSTMH Managing Editor, Thomas Pinfield (

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