Call for Applications – RI Centennial Award of Outstanding Contributions

Call for Applications – RI Centennial Award of Outstanding Contributions

Call for Applications – RI Centennial Award of Outstanding Contributions

A total of 100 awardees will be selected from around the world. A prize of US$10,000 will be awarded to each winning individual and/or organization. For more information please visit:

On the occasion of RI’s centennial anniversary, we are pleased to announce the RI Centennial Award of Outstanding Contributions that will be presented in conjunction with our Centennial Anniversary Celebrations, to commend individuals or organizations that have made outstanding contributions to or had profound impact on the equal participation and inclusive development of persons with disabilities. By this Award, RI aims to facilitate the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and promote rights protection and inclusive development of persons with disabilities around the globe.

A total of 100 awardees will be selected from around the world. The awardees can be individuals or organizations that have made outstanding contributions to or had profound impact on the equal participation and inclusive development of persons with disabilities.

A prize of US$10,000 will be awarded to each winning individual and/or organization together with a certificate and a medal.

The applicants (individuals and/or organizations) shall have no less than five years of recognized work in the disability-related fields. Organizational applicants shall be legally registered and have high credibility (please refer to the Annex 3 -Appendix I- Award Selection Criteria – attached below).

Applicants shall follow the attached instructions and submit the completed application form (please refer to the Annex 3/Appendix 2-1 and Annex 3/Appendix 2-2 attached below), two letters of recommendation and other supporting documents at the email address:

The deadline for submission of the application is February 28th, 2023, before 24:00 (NYC Time).

When submitting the application, please write the name of the individual and/or organization on the subject line.

Following the submission of your application, should you require more information, please write at the email address: or call the RI Secretariat of the Centennial Award of Outstanding Contributions at the phone number +86-10-66580035.

We are cordially inviting you to apply for the Award, and/or recommend qualified applicants, as well as to share the information through your channels.

Thank you for your attention and support to RI Centennial Award of Outstanding Contributions!

About Rehabilitation International: 

Founded in 1922, Rehabilitation International (RI) is a worldwide organization comprised of people with disabilities, service providers, government agencies, academics, researchers, and advocates working to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities. With member organizations in more than 100 countries and in all regions of the world and enjoys special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations since 1978. RI also provides a forum for the exchange of experience and information on research and practice.


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