This past year has been an active one for The Center for Inclusive Policy (CIP), both in the work we are doing and in terms of our growth as an organization. Our workplan is built on four pillars, which are explained in more detail later in this report. But as an overview, the first pillar is inclusive social protection. Our efforts have already contributed to changing the focus of social protection from basic income support to enabling participation. We have continued to do this through two lines of work. First, by improving methods for measuring the extra costs of disability essential for participation. Second, by continuing our work on developing disability assessment measures that determine support needs. Our work in this area is informing guidelines on how to structure social protection programs that are truly inclusive. The second pillar is community support. Our work this year, outlined in more detail below, has helped to develop a rights-based framework for designing and delivering community support, and mapping out what efforts currently exist this area. This line of work is in tandem with social protection because the two types of policies must be coordinated in a coherent manner. Our third pillar is data for inclusion. In addition to ongoing support to countries for designing and analyzing census and survey data on disability, this year we have had much progress in building capacity of OPD’s to analyze budgetary data in a fashion that can be used for advocacy purposes. We have also worked on issues of data harmonization and promoting disability management information systems. Our fourth pillar is other strategic partnerships. CIP is often called upon by various international stakeholders for our expertise in issues related to disability-inclusive policy and research. Consequently, we have worked with OHCHR, WHO and UNICEF to develop disability inclusion strategies, legislative guidelines, programmatic briefs, research agendas, and evidence gap mapping.


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