Addressing musculoskeletal conditions: an opportunity for health systems globally

Addressing musculoskeletal conditions: an opportunity for health systems globally

Addressing musculoskeletal conditions: an opportunity for health systems globally

Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions are conditions affecting bones and joints such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, back pain and neck pain. They are some of the most common health conditions within populations and cause difficulties in functioning for those who experience them. Addressing musculoskeletal conditions is an important challenge for health systems in all countries around the world. This webinar series aimed to highlight the latest data on prevalence, learn from global experts on approaches to address MSK conditions and hear examples from countries and individuals with lived experience on what can and needs to be done to better consider MSK conditions in global and public health planning and implementation. Four webinars took place in 2024 as outlined below:

Webinar summaries

Webinar 1: Global burden of MSK conditions
Date: 31 January 2024
The first webinar presented an overview of the global burden of MSK conditions, drawing on findings from the Lancet Rheumatology series to emphasize their worldwide impact. The session covered the global, regional, and national burden of MSK conditions, including specific conditions such as lower back pain, neck pain, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, other musculoskeletal conditions, and low bone mineral density. The implications of these findings were discussed in detail.

Webinar 2: Life-course approach to addressing MSK conditions
Date: 28 February 2024
The second webinar highlighted strategies for addressing MSK conditions across the life course. These strategies included health promotion, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and palliation. A country-specific perspective was shared, featuring insights from the United Republic of Tanzania’s approach to MSK condition management.

Webinar 3: Health promotion and prevention
Date: 21 October 2024
The third webinar focused on health promotion and prevention, emphasizing the importance of physical activity guidelines and their impact on MSK health. Topics included school health programmes, healthy ageing strategies, and preventive activities for at-risk groups. A global strategy for MSK prevention was presented, with practical examples from England (United Kingdom), Japan, and South Africa. A patient’s experience demonstrated how promotion and prevention activities facilitated lifestyle changes and improved quality of life.

Webinar 4: Treatment and rehabilitation
Date: 20 November 2024
The fourth webinar centred on treatment and rehabilitation for people with MSK conditions. It featured expert insights, country-specific examples from Canada, and patient perspectives, showcasing effective approaches for managing and rehabilitating MSK conditions.


The webinars were conducted in English with closed captioning available.

Webinar recordings


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