400 delegates for CBR Africa Conference 2018

Every thing counts: Participants keenly following the proceedings of the 5th CBR Africa conference. Credit: Joseph Malinga
At least over 400 delegates from different parts of the world are expected to attend the CBR conference on inclusive development scheduled to take place in Lusaka, Zambia starting from 7th -11th May 2018. The conference, whose theme is ‘CBR for resilience building and sustainable development: leave no one behind’ is jointly organised by CBR Africa Network (CAN) and the government of Zambia.
The conference is expected to influence stakeholders’ actions of the participating countries in ensuring disability issues are integrated in the development agenda. This is an opportunity for stakeholders to learn and unlearn how to effectively ensure the quality of life of persons with disability.
The conference aims to share good practices and lessons learnt, providing a forum for dialoguing among CBR participants (Government, Disabled Peoples Organizations, Civil Society and Academia); promote disability mainstreaming and inclusion in line with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
It will also provide opportunities for acquiring new knowledge and skills, demonstrate work CBR practitioners have done, generate resolutions and recommendations that are relevant to human rights and inclusive development agenda.
Visit CAN website www.afri-can.org for registration details. Follow us on Face book, Twitter (#cbrconf2018).