Showcase good practices and lessons learned in Community based Rehabilitation (CBR) and Community based Inclusive Development (CBID) activities in different global contexts. This will emphasize activities that showcase how CBR and CBID contribute to the implementation of the CRPD and the achievement of the SDGs.
Envision the future role, relevance and terminology of CBR/CBID, inclusive development and community-based disability services globally.
Identify strategies for action across CBR/CBID at all levels from the individual to the community, including strategies to build capacity and human resources.
CBR/CBID in practice: Innovations and using digital and social media as a form of action in implementation, across age, gender,health, education, livelihood, social &empowerment dimensions, linking CBR/CBID with mainstream development initiatives as well as climate change.
CBR/CBID stakeholders: The participation, role & collaboration of different CBR/CBID stakeholders (children,women & men with disabilities, their families, community & organisations, staff,professionals, affiliated groups, NGOs, policy makers & managers in relevant ministries) including intersectionality & marginalized issues.
CBR/CBID workforce and capacity development: Workforce development and extension. Competencies, knowledge and skills, capacity building & skillmix dilemmas. Implications of CRDP and SDGs.
Sustainability of CBR/CBID: Enabling factors & barriers. Sustainability within the context of the CRPD & SDGs. Financing and resource mobilization.
Research in CBR/CBID: Evidence and CBR/CBID, Individual & community impact of CBR. Participatory & inclusive methodologies.Data collection, management and interpretation. Research translation and research capacity building.
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) in CBR/CBID: Methodologies, evaluations of CBR/CBID programs, guideline development, participatory evaluations.