Bridge CRPD SDGs training initiative- Module 1 in Tanzania

Bridge CRPD SDGs training initiative- Module 1 in Tanzania

Bridge CRPD SDGs training initiative- Module 1 in Tanzania

The Bridge CRPD SDGs training initiative – Module 1, in Tanzania, will be held in the city of Dar-es-Salaam from 22nd to 28th July 2019. This is organised by the Tanzania Federation of Disabled People’s Organizations (SHIVYAWATA), African Disability Forum (ADF), International Disability Alliance (IDA) and CBM with support from Inclusion International and World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry; and financed by CBM through the National Lottery Community Fund and NAD (Norwegian Association of the Disabled).

The training will bring together 15 participants drawn from diverse impairment groups and geographical locations within the United Republic of Tanzania. This is inclusive of persons with low vision and blindness, physical disabilities, persons who are deaf, those with deafblindness, intellectual disability, psychosocial disability, participants with albinism, and also with small stature. The training shall be conducted in the regional lingua-franca, Kiswahili.


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